Peter Blokland - BYAZ bv

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BYAZ & Peter Blokland

BYAZ can help you make dreams come true!

Peter Blokland, founder of BYAZ bv, studied at the Royal Military School in Brussels (MSc) and had a career in the Belgian armed forces and NATO as a Fighter Pilot (F-16), Instructor (Alpha-Jet and SF260M/D), Commanding Officer (5 Sqn), Staff Officer (Training, Flight Safety and Nuclear Operations) and aviation accidents researcher and prevention specialist.

After his active career, he invested in himself through various training courses as a coach, trainer and entrepreneur. Peter was driven by the question of what makes people, teams and organizations excellent. The insights he gained were collected in his books

"Total Respect Management" (2013, Lannoo Campus)


"Safety & Performance" (2017, NOVA Science publishers).

He also completed a PhD research at TUDelft (Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management) concluded with a dissertation titled: "Towards Sustainable Safety & Performance in Organisations".

Peter is also an expert for NBN for everything that has to do with ISO 31000 (Risk Management).

Check out my Linkedin profile

Check out my scientific publications


Peter provides great insights into a compnanies vision / mission and ambition, encourages to look at organizations at a higher level and succeeds in presenting clearly linked organizational diagrams.

Thanks Peter

Jan Viroux

With his hands on methodology TR³M for risk management and his former experience as a combat pilot, Peter offers a very exeptional kind of service.

Wim Mussche

Peter is a good trainer with a lot of attention for every individual in the group. Especially in the position as group motivator, he played a performance role for our organization Open Company Day.

Yves Lejaeghere

Our Cooperation & Partners

Het Bureau voor Normalisatie (NBN) is verantwoordelijk voor het ontwikkelen en verkopen van normen in België. Daarnaast organiseert het NBN ook opleidingen over het gebruik van managementnormen.

NBN is, samen met zijn sectorale operatoren, het Belgisch kenniscentrum voor alle activiteiten die verband houden met normalisatie.

PSA Belgium is the Belgian chapter of the worldwide speakers organisation Global Speakers Federation.

Everyone interested in the spoken word is welcome. It doesn’t matter if you are a professional or a hobbyist… but being ‘driven’ is a must!


PSA Belgium offers a platform where passionate and professional speakers connect,  grow and perform to become proficient.


To be the hotspot for passionate and professional speakers and their customers.



We help you to speak up, speak better and speak more.


We inspire others to be as enthusiastic as we are about our profession.  For us it is not only about the “what”, but also about the “how”.

Elevating excellence:

We aim to empower you and to unlock your speakers' passion.

Abundant generosity:

We give our time, value and resources to support you.


We share our knowledge and our network.

GNIC® is een initiatief van een internationale groep individuen, onafhankelijk van belangen of pressiegroepen, die zich bezighouden met de ontwikkeling en het gebruik van hoogwaardige, effectieve en efficiënte certificeringsdiensten voor personen en rechtspersonen. Zij opereren onder de rechtspersoon van een vzw, volgens de Belgische wetgeving.

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